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Valley Sports Physicians & Orthopedic Medicine Blog

Does Regenerative Medicine Really Work?

February 10, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — valleysports @ 12:33 pm
doctor holding syringe with PRP

One of the fastest-growing areas in medical science is the study and application of regenerative medicine, in which cells, biomaterials, and molecules are used to help repair structures in the body that are affected by injury or disease. Even though the science is promising, there are not many clinics that offer advanced regenerative medicine in the US, and most treatments aren’t covered by insurance. So this begs the question—does regenerative medicine actually work? If you’re injured and don’t like the results you’re getting with conventional methods, should it be considered a viable option? Read on to get the answers to these questions and more.


Can Stem Cells Fix Your Arthritis?

January 5, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — valleysports @ 1:30 pm
older man playing golf

Over the past two decades, great leaps and bounds have been made in the realm of stem cell research, mostly revolving around their application in medicine. Specifically, they are being used more and more when treating common musculoskeletal problems, like muscle tears, sprains, and strains. But what about osteoarthritis? Could stem cell therapy provide a solution for it or even reverse the degenerative process? To learn a little more about stem cell therapy, arthritis, and how they interact, keep reading.


Lower Back Pain from Working at Home? Prolotherapy Can Help

December 3, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — valleysports @ 12:51 pm
man working at kitchen table

A large percentage of Americans are now working primarily from home, and while this offers many perks, it also has certain disadvantages. For many, the switch to a home office brought on or made preexisting lower back pain much worse. If you haven’t gotten the relief you need using NSAIDs or a heating pad, then prolotherapy can offer a stronger, non-invasive solution that has already helped countless people in your situation. Could it be exactly what you’re looking for? You can learn more about this option in today’s blog.


4 Stretches to Keep Your Entire Back Loose

September 21, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — valleysports @ 12:33 pm
woman stretching by brining knees to chest

Back pain was already one of the most common musculoskeletal conditions affecting Americans, but due to the pandemic causing people to stay at home and be more sedentary, it has become even more prominent over the last 18 months. Thankfully, you can be proactive when it comes to both relieving and avoiding back pain by incorporating a few daily stretches into your routine. Here are 4 that will help you keep your entire back loose.


The Top 3 Reasons Why Your Neck/Upper Back Hurts

August 3, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — valleysports @ 2:38 pm
woman experiencing neck pain while working

Lower back pain gets a lot of attention both online and in the mainstream media, and for good reason—millions of Americans, both young and old, experience it every day. But, neck and upper back pain can be just as unpleasant and debilitating, and it is often looked over. If you regularly experience tension and soreness in these areas, they are likely due to one of the 3 main causes listed below. By being aware of them, you can help stop the pain at its source.


4 Low-Impact Sports for People with Bad Joints

July 12, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — valleysports @ 12:29 pm
man swimming in Olympic pool

Staying active is one of the most important pillars of mental and physical health, but for many people, this is easier said than done due to their bad joints. Whether you experience knee pain, shoulder pain, or any other type of persistent joint issue, it’s essential that you keep moving, but of course, you don’t want to accidentally injure yourself in the process. That’s why it’s recommended that you choose one of the following 4 low-impact sports, which will certainly push your fitness, but they won’t leave you hurting afterward.


4 Tips for Sleeping with Tennis & Golfer’s Elbow

June 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — valleysports @ 12:21 pm
man waking up feeling great

Sleep is a fundamental pillar of health for everyone, but it is especially important for someone recovering from an injury, like Tennis or Golfer’s Elbow. Of course, getting enough rest is easier said than done when you’re in physical pain! Thankfully, there are a few things you can do to mitigate these conditions so you’re able to rest peacefully and recover as quickly as possible.


What Causes My Arthritis to Flare Up?

March 20, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — valleysports @ 1:54 pm
older couple stretching outdoors

If you’re living with arthritis, then you’re likely very aware that the condition has both its good and bad days. Sometimes, your joints feel fine, but occasionally, symptoms flare, and accomplishing even the simplest task is difficult and painful. What causes these sudden spikes to occur, and better yet, what can you do to avoid them? To discover what might be causing your flare-ups and learn what you can do to prevent them, read on below.


3 Foods to Avoid if You Have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

February 16, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — valleysports @ 1:13 pm
a crossed out potato chip

If you’re currently suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, there is almost a limitless amount of ways you can help your body overcome the condition, from bracing to activity modification to regenerative medicine and more. However, an often-overlooked strategy is slightly changing the diet. Several foods can actually aggravate the condition and interfere with healing, so avoiding them can speed up the recovery process. Who are the key offenders? Read on to learn about 3 of the foods you should beware if you have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.


Tips For Describing Your Back Pain to Your Doctor

January 12, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — valleysports @ 1:36 pm
man with back pain speaking to a doctor

Tens of millions of people suffer from back pain every year, and the experience is always different from person to person. If your back pain is severe enough that you’re considering going to the doctor, it’s important that you’re able to properly describe what you’re feeling. This will help your doctor determine what may be triggering the problem, and more importantly, how you can get relief. There are several factors to consider when it comes to back pain, but you really only need to tell your doctor about 5 to give them (and you!) the best chance for success.

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